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the cloudWorkshop?


IBM Data Observability

IBM Data Observability

cloudWerkstatt Technology Breakfast on 02. March 2023 In today's world, data is almost always an integral part of business decision-making, whether to gain competitive advantage or to drive business growth. Managing and maintaining datapiplines (a process of ingesting...

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

cloudWerkstatt Technology Breakfast on 01 March 2023. In recent years, the use of container technology has become increasingly popular in the IT industry. Red Hat, a leading provider of open source software solutions, is at the forefront of this trend with its Red Hat...

IBM Customer Experience

IBM Customer Experience

cloudWerkstatt Technology Breakfast on February 16, 2023. The second event in our cloudWerkstatt Technology Breakfast series will focus on the topic of customer experience and customer care. Perhaps you will recognize yourself in the following scenario: On the website...


Kubernetes: The present and future of platform engineering

Kubernetes: The present and future of platform engineering

Kubernetes: The present and future of platform engineering Kubecon 2024 Although I've watched quite some talks of past Kubecons online, this was my first time attending one in person. I've to admit that the impact it had on was much more amplified that what I...

Ansible Vault and Vault ID

Ansible Vault and Vault ID

Ansible-vault is the Ansible tool for protecting secret information. It can create encrypted file and encrypt plain text ones. Ansible-vault has the option to `view` and `edit` the encrypted file and allows for replacing the old password used to encrypt a file with a new one, and decrypts the file too!

Introduction to Ansible

Introduction to Ansible

In the time when people had to manually handle servers, brave sysadmins went on missions across the digital landscape. Armed with keyboards and a strong will, they traveled through the virtual world, logging into each server to set up apps and run updates like careful digital gardeners.
And guess what? A big change was on the way, dressed in automation’s gear and going by the name Ansible. When it showed up, all the hassle of manually dealing with servers was tossed out the window, and a new era started. Ansible, the tech wizard, made everything way more efficient, turning hard work into automated magic.