CSS #2

CSS #2

Who is it about? A regional government from Austria with an IT department that utilizes a multi-vendor infrastructure with software from various vendors to best suit the needs and goals of the organization. Challenge A new bare metal machine was purchased and support...
CSS #6

CSS #6

Who is it about? A publicly listed company in the paper and packaging industry. They have two main divisions, one is about raw materials for the production of fast-moving consumer goods packaging. The other is about folding cartons. The core business covers both the...
CSS #5

CSS #5

Who is it about? A corporation under public law in Austria. Their area of responsibilities range from Market and price reporting on domestic and foreign markets concerning agricultural products, Quality improvement measures, development and application of quality...
CSS #4

CSS #4

Who is it about? A public limited company, in a financial services group operating in northern Europe. There are four business areas: Personal Banking, Business Banking, Large Corporates & Institutions, and Asset & Wealth Management. As a Significant...
CSS #3

CSS #3

Who is it about? A publicly listed transport and logistics company in Europe, offering global transport services by road, air, sea and train. The company is structured into three divisions, Road, Air & Sea, and Solutions. Its main activities lie within road...