Was gibt’s Neues in
der cloudWerkstatt?

IBM Customer Experience
cloudWerkstatt Technology Breakfast am 16. Februar 2023. Bei dem zweiten Event unserer cloudWerkstatt Technology Breakfast-Reihe geht es um das Thema Customer Experience und Customer Care. Vielleicht erkennt man sich im folgenden Szenario wieder: Auf der Webseite...
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Overview and best practices
cloudWerkstatt Technology Breakfast am 15. Februar 2023. Haben Sie sich schon mal gefragt, ob ihre Systemlandschaft sicher ist? Kann man einen intelligenten Chat-Bot erstellen, ohne Programmierkenntnisse zu haben? Gibt es Experten und Expertinnen, denen ich direkt...

Ansible: Simplifying Automation with Facts
In the world of Ansible, facts are the unsung heroes. These system variables, gathered during playbook execution, provide essential data used for decision-making, debugging, and generating reports. As versatile as any Ansible module, facts are integral to both ad-hoc commands and Playbooks. Let’s explore how to harness their power.
Automate Reporting with Ansible
Automate Reporting with Ansible Ansible is a powerful tool known for its capabilities in configuration management and application deployment. However, it can be extended to handle another essential task: automated reporting. Leveraging Ansible's modules and automation...
A beginner’s guide to building a custom Ansible module with Python Requests
Welcome to our blog post on building a custom Ansible module! In this tutorial we will show how to create a Python module that we can call through Ansible. We will use the Python Requests that allows us to interact with a website's API. Creating and using a Python...